New displays in Cranbourne
11 September 2020
The latest Dennis Family Homes display centre opened at the Canopy estate in Cranbourne on 25th July.
Featured on display are the Robinvale 273 Tempo and Balmoral 443 Verve Glass (pictured above) designs from the Inspirations Series.
Perfect on all levels, the Balmoral 443 with Verve Glass facade is a masterpiece in double-storey home design and is available in four and five bedroom versions, ranging from 37 to 50 squares. All bedrooms have walk-in robes while the master suite treats you to an oversized dressing room. And with three living areas downstairs, it’s everything you could want – top to bottom.
The Robinvale 273 with Tempo facade is a home designed around family and you’ll fall in love with all it has to offer the moment you walk through the door. Relax in the spacious living room at the front of the home before sharing a meal with the family in the hub of the home – this beautiful home really has been designed with family in mind. Open plan living and functional storage solutions make living in the Robinvale a breeze.
The new displays were accessible for a short period on an appointment only basis before the introduction of Stage 4 COVID-19 restrictions caused their temporary closure.
“Although the centre was only open briefly in that initial period, we received very positive feedback about both displays,” Metro South Sales Consultant, Adam Keleher reports.
“People were captivated by the Verve Glass façade on the Balmoral display and the overall spaciousness of the home, whilst there were also many favourable comments about the Robinvale’s light, coastal feel,” he adds.
For more information phone 1800 336 647 or visit Dennis Family Homes to view all of our home designs.
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