New Geelong showroom wowing customers

14 May 2020

Dennis Family Homes has unveiled a new Showroom at its Geelong office in Bell Park.

Geelong Area Manager, Paul Di Pasquale reported that the first colour appointments with customers in the new Showroom commenced in mid-March and he is delighted with the high-end facility that has been created.

“It’s amazing when you look at what we have now compared to what we’ve come from,” he said.

“We are blessed to have what is essentially a smaller version of the Dennis Family Homes Showroom in Notting Hill, he added. “It has so much wow factor and is just fantastic. I think it’s going to be real point of difference for us in the local market.”

Paul acknowledged the assistance provided by many within the company in making the Showroom a reality, including the Showroom and Design teams from Notting Hill, the Geelong Construction team and IT staff from Melbourne.

“Everyone’s done a great job in contributing and the results show for themselves,” he said.

Dennis Family Homes' Geelong Colour Consultant, Wendy Walker

Geelong Colour Consultant, Wendy Walker (pictured), loves working in the new facility and is receiving excellent feedback from customers.

“Their eyes light up and they can’t wait to get in here and explore it. They really enjoy the process,” she comments.

“The arrival of the Showroom is revolutionising how we do our business and the customer experience we can now offer here in Geelong.”

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